Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tara Reid continues to ruin her career

Tara Reid has opened her stupid-ass mouth again

To make her reputation even worse, she has said recently:

"If I work on a movie for two months, I should be able to dance on as many tables as I want to." She added, "I don't care what anyone says about me - I always wake up with a smile."

Wow. 2 months is a long time to work. We applaud you Tara Reid. The rest of us drones only work 1 month at a time. Seriously, what a stupid idiot. Her parents must be ashamed.

Let's quickly rehash the reason for this moron's rep:
  1. She gets so coked out of her tree that she shows off her newly fashioned peanut shaped areola (please see pic below)
  2. Then she falls on her ass multiple times during summer '05 and shows us just how classy she really isn't.
  3. Then she whines to the media about being portrayed as a drunk

Really, if you're going to be a nasty whore, at least embrace it, don't fight it.

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