Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Axis of Evil

I have a friend, who is a very sexy, hot hairdresser. The other day she was cutting my hair and we started talking about celebrities we hated. I was blanking on a major one and could not think of her for all the gold in Kanye West's chest hair. We did however agree that Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellwegger should die horrible deaths.

A couple of days later, I was at home and I remembered who the key to the puzzle was: Cameron Diaz! I hate no celebrity more than her. I hate her stupid guffaws, her tomboy/fart appeal...I could go on for days. I immediately wrote my friend an email and she wrote back telling me those 3 women are what she calls the AXIS OF EVIL. My friend is brilliant. I wish I could take credit for it.

Here, in honour of my friend, who is off work due to an injury are pics of the ladies from the AXIS OF EVIL!!!!:

*Please take special note that they all have their left (evil) hands up near their evil pouty lips (so what if I flipped the Zellwegger photo? It doesn't make her less nasty)!

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