Friday, February 10, 2006

Let's give Britney a break y'all

People have really been on Britney's ass lately about how gross she looks, her money-grubbing, useless husband, etc. Now, althought I will definitely agree with everyone that driving with your months-old baby on your lap is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, I feel like she deserves some credit for how she's looked lately.

Ok, so this is not Brit at her best. I agree. It's a little trashy, a little 80's, and a little revealing, considering the extra weight she's carrying. But it's better than she's been recently!

Ok, so the nip slip is not the classiest of manoevers...but still! She's not wearing sweats, she doesn't look like a linebacker and it looks like she may have actually washed her hair (the real part).

Come on, let's give her something. She's obviously hanging by a thread...

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