Monday, July 27, 2009

Blake Lively wearing yet another unflattering thing...

There is a very hilarious website called "Go Fug Yourself" which makes me laugh very often...recently they had a hilarious posting on how Blake Lively always seems to be put into the most awkward, gross outfits on Gossip Girl.

I have to agree. For such a gorgeous girl, they really are very mean sometimes.

Here is a picture of Blake wearing one of the Hermes bandage dresses and looking pretty amazing (they're hard to pull off) but also kind of awful. I don't know, there's something about her waistline to hips area that's weirding me out. It makes her look like she doesn't have the amazing body that she does, in fact, have.

I mean, she has a great body and is generally gorgeous, but there's something about the colour or the fit that is making her look not so great...

And if SHE can't look good in that kind of dress, who will?

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