Thursday, November 18, 2010

People Names Ryan Reynold's 2010's Sexiest Man Alive

Yes, Ryan Reynolds is good looking. I know.

But this picture? THIS is the picture they chose for the cover of their magazine?

I really think this is poor selection of a cover photo. Here are my reasons:

1. He is wearing clothes
2. He has pervy Miami Vice stubble
3. His hair looks like Conan O'Brian's
4. He is wearing clothes and they look like grocery run clothes
5. His eyebrows are looking mega caterpillar-y
6. His eye contact is creepy, not good
7. IN FACT he looks vaguely confused or like he has an upset stomach or something

In short, I hate this picture and I think it's a terrible choice. Like, duh, shirtless.

Also, I totally think Jon Hamm should have won. He is on fire this year.

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