Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Got In TROUBLE in Rehab

So our good friend Lilo is still newsworthy - thank god, things have been boring without her. Seriously.

Recently, Linds was moved to a secluded location of the Betty Ford clinic because she has allegedly been getting harrassed by none other than Sam Lufti (the same guy who was ever present during Britney's now famous breakdown).

However, turns out that this location has rules that are a little more lax than the main location...so much so that a bunch of the patients had a party the other night AND went to a bar.

Now, no one saw Lindsay drinking (no drugs), never saw a drink in her hand and apparently she behaved, but all of the patients got in trouble for this.

Lindsay will not be allowed to leave the Betty Ford facility during the holidays because of this indiscretion, and she's most likely back in the main building under tighter security.

Thank god she's misbehaving, what else would we care about?

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